What Are the Best Travel Pants for Women?
Sitting in an airplane seat is never particularly comfortable, and it’s only gotten more cramped over time: Airplane seats have continued to shrink in width and legroom in recent decades, which helps explain why passengers often show up for flights in leggings and sweatshirts— cozy, but not exactly sartorial, outfits.
Nonetheless, there are actually some stealthily stylish and comfortable pants out there, perfect for frigid planes and the germy seats you sit in before and during a flight. As a companion to our guide to the best travel shoes, we asked frequent travelers who work in fashion — designers, stylists, and writers — to share their go-to pants for flights, absurd delays, and whatever else the sometimes-hellish journey of getting from point A to point B throws at you.
OT Leggings
Bouchra Ezzahraoui has a similar recommendation: washable leather leggings. (Yes, really.) “I find them to be the perfect compromise between a stylish pair of jeans and comfy yoga pants,” she says of this pair. “They’re flattering, very flexible, and the leather is machine washable.”